The early days

I started my career in my 20s after studying for a post-graduate certificate in News Journalism. I'd loved writing since childhood, when I published my own weekly magazine and distributed copies to primary school friends!

Like many media graduates, I moved into public relations. I loved the creative buzz of the pioneering places I worked in the early 2000s. One job was with the UK's first-ever digital PR agency, where I worked with global entertainment brands such as Warner Bros., 20th Century Fox, and Sony Music, as well as with independent film and record companies. 

Over the years, I've worked for an array of organisations, including Comic Relief and the British Red Cross, and delivering not-for-profit, business, political, and consumer campaigns. I've been lucky enough to work in the UK, across Europe and in Australia. I've met amazing people through my jobs, from passionate community leaders to Hollywood stars, and I've honed my talent for creating compelling stories. 

The turning point

I worked with dedication and drive until summer 2017, when, after months of enduring chronic stress and traumatic circumstances at work and home, I suffered a nervous breakdown. My inner and outer worlds collapsed. My health was shattered, and I suddenly found myself single, without a home, isolated, and frightened. 

For two years, I continually suffered from, what I felt like, was a combination of bad flu symptoms and the world's worst hangover. My legs would often suddenly give way, the headaches were crippling, and depression and anxiety would descend a few times a day, and even during the night. 

Yet, without the means to fund my search for a new home and inadequate government benefits, the most effective route to re-establishing my life was to continue working. However, despite putting everything I had into my work, I lost my job in August 2018. The work had been causing havoc with my health, and over time it'd become clear that my wellbeing had to be my priority.

Creating a new kind of business

In 2019, I was diagnosed with a chronic auto-immune condition, which meant I had to find new ways to support my holistic health - and keep a roof over my head. A major challenge as a healthy single person, let alone as a single person with long term health issues. 

It was down to me, and only me, to create a way of living and working that supported my health. Also, there was no escaping that my personal crisis had shifted my values and aspirations, and after months of soul-searching, I realised that...

  • I wanted to work on more projects that offered me a sense of meaning and purpose
  • I needed to shape a business with my wellbeing at it's heart
  • I wanted to integrate wellbeing coaching into my work to support clients and associates
    • I've since trained as a life coach to help people overcome their own fears and confidence issues when it comes to working with the media

  • Although I love challenges, they need to be the right kind, so I work with clients who share my values and ethics.

Although born out of misfortune, my business is built on positive foundations. And my experiences have shown me that wellbeing and success are intrinsically connected - you simply can't sustain one without the other.  

Therefore, my mission is to help businesses and experts in the wellbeing and ethical space rise their profile, by giving them a voice and increasing their reach, so that more people can benefit from their knowledge.